Gulf Coast Triathlon

Gulf Coast Triathlon May 10, 2015 by Kelli Dillon As Bill Dillon would say, “It was hot…darn hot.” There was no question on this beautiful, sunny morning if the swim was going to be canceled. Unlike the previous year, the water was clear and calm, but still wetsuit legal. Before the race, athletes mulled around

2015 Red Hills Triathlon By the Numbers

by Rob McNeely Race Date: April 4, 2015 Weather at start: mid-60s, cloudy & mild Total Participants: 275 Total Finishers: 269 Male: 175 Female: 94 Fastest Male: Thomas Barton, 28, Miami 1:06:37 Fastest Male 2014: Charlie Johnson, 35, Tallahassee 1:07:02 Fastest Female: Stephanie Liles-Weyant, 43, Tallahassee 1:15:14 Fastest Female 2014: Jennifer Kilinski, 36, Tallahassee 1:14:48 Longest

Rule Changes for 2015 Grand Prix Events

The following rules were adopted for the 2015 Grand Prix schedule. Many of them are the same as before, but there are some notable new features. For example, if you complete any triathlon of 140.6-distance or greater, let the Grand Prix committee know, and you will automatically receive 10 Grand Prix points. Three races on

Challenging Gulf Coast Triathlon Earns New Nicknames

A punishing weather day gave a bunch of new nicknames to the 32nd annual Gulf Coast Triathlon in Panama City Beach on Saturday, May 10, 2014: “Gulf Roast Triathlon” “Gulf Coast Windathlon” “Gulf Coast Humidathlon” “Gulf Coast Suckathlon” “69.1” Nonetheless, 35 members of Gulf Winds Triathletes fought through difficult weather conditions and finished the event.

Race Costs

By Ron Harrison As I become more comfortable with the sport of triathlon, I am opening my eyes, lifting my head, and looking around a bit more. (Yes, I have been swimming, biking, and running with my head down and my eyes closed, generally and otherwise terrified!) While I have always recognized the value of

Farewell to an Ironman

Gulf Winds Triathletes lost one of its own on Sunday, April 6, 2014. Tim Warfel, 60, passed away at the conclusion of a brief morning solo run. The cause of Tim’s passing has not been announced. Tim had been a member of Gulf Winds Track Club and Gulf Winds Triathletes for some time. An Ironman

2014 Red Hills Triathlon By the Numbers

Race Date:  April 5, 2014 Weather at start:  66 degrees, partly cloudy, 88% humidity Total Participants:  246 Total Finishers:  245 Male:  174 Female:  71 Fastest Male:  Charlie Johnson, 35, Tallahassee 1:07:02 Fastest Male 2013:  Daniel Domingo, 40, Jacksonville 1:07:02 Fastest Female:  Jennifer Kilinski, 36, Tallahassee 1:14:48 Fastest Female 2013:  Marci Gray, 39, Tallahassee 1:19:17 Longest